This is one of the more popular springs along Ruxton Avenue due to its high Lithium content. Two springs combine into one, pouring through this font. The water is very sweet, high in lithium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and a top-rated water source for making sweet carbonated lemonade water. Others describe the taste as sweet, tangy, and minerally. Of all the Manitou Springs, it has the highest concentration of magnesium. The font is located outside a storefront entrance.
Natural Springs
Natural Springs that well up from the Earth and have minimal human impact or containment.
* Cheyenne Spring (Manitou Springs, Colorado)

A sweet-tasting natural Artesian soda spring called Cheyenne Spring is located right on Manitou Avenue in downtown Manitou Springs, Colorado. This bubbly elixir is believed to be over 20,000 years old and healing for digestive issues and osteoporosis.
Valley View Hot Springs – Orient Land Trust (Colorado)

This fantastic Land Trust is dedicated to preserving natural resources, wildlife habitat, open space, and historic and geologic features of the northern San Luis Valley for the enjoyment of current and future generations.
* Stratton Spring (Manitou Springs, CO)

Stratton Spring was drilled in 1936 by the Myron Stratton Foundation., The soda-type spring has a controlled flow of two gallons per minute and is drilled to a depth of 167 feet. This site was the junction of early Indian trails and several major mineral springs. Later it became the major access to the Mount Manitou Incline and the Pikes Peak Cog Railway and was the loop were Stratton’s Trolley Line reversed to return to Colorado Springs.
* Navajo Spring (Manitou Springs)

a natural soda spring comes out of the wall in a decorated font. It is one of eight famous natural springs that put this town on the map. The spring was initially visited by Native American Indians who sought their healing and spiritual powers, which some believed were gifted by the great spirit called Manitou.
Sol Duc Hot Springs, Olympic National Forest, Washington

Sol Duc Hotsprings and Campground, Olympic National Forest, WA As opposed to the rustic natural state of the Olympic Hot Springs, Sol Duc is the developed National Park Service hot springs resort in the Olympic National Forest. We wound up going here when we found out the road to Olympic Hot Springs had been […]
The Sacramento River Headwaters

Sacramento River Headwaters Mt. Shasta City Park, Shasta, California One of the most magical springs in California, the Shasta Sacramento Headwaters is an easy-on, easy-off the I-5 just as you’re entering the city of Shasta Mountain coming from the North heading south. It is located at the base of “Spring Hill” within Mt. Shasta City […]
Montezuma Well

Montezuma Well * Montezuma Well and Montezuma Castle, Arizona * One of my favorite wells in America, this Native American sacred site is phenomenal and full of mystery! When driving up to the Well, just north of Montezuma Castle, it’s a small 1/3 mile hike up a short hill to a naturally occurring spring in […]
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia

Berkeley Springs State Park downtown Berkeley Springs, West Virginia Located in the heart of downtown and main street Berkeley Springs, West Virginia is a magnificent state park based on the town’s historic mineral spa. Since pre-contact, the waters were visited for their magical, medicinal, and restorative powers. Known to cure and heal digestive disorders, stress, […]